Monday morning. 8:55 am. A sales employee sits tensely in front of his laptop. A presentation that will decide on an important customer is due to start in five minutes. The room is quiet - except for ...

primedocs is a product of PrimeSoft Group. Here you will find news about primedocs and our company.
13. February 2025

| #branding
| #outlook
A comparison: Working with and without template software in Outlook

| #teams
| #administrative-productivity
| #branding
| #excel
| #powerpoint
Typical day-to-day work with template software

| #powerpoint
| #word
| #primesoft
The Kantonsspital Winterthur (KSW) now relies on the primedocs template software

| #publicadministration
PrimeSoft template software at the municipality of Steffisburg